
DescriptionA pair of eyes looking to the left. Often used to indicate witnessing something interesting, expressing curiosity, or surveillance.
Also known aseyeball
Slack short code:eyes:

Use 👀 in your scheduled Slack status

Add some personality to your automated Slack status with the 👀 emoji. Try Status Scheduler for free today and make your status updates more expressive.

You Without Status Scheduler

  • Getting constant pings when I'm away from my desk
  • Struggling to unplug from work after hours
  • Team members don't know when I'm on vacation or out of office
  • Hard to communicate my availability status to colleagues

You With Status Scheduler

  • Automatic Slack status updates
  • Clear boundaries between work and personal time
  • Scheduled status updates for vacations and out-of-office time
  • Team always knows your availability without having to ask

"Really nice app. I appreciate the ability to schedule my Slack status (super important now that I'm consistently working from home!)."
